Hi Melyssa, Just wanted to let you know that I’m doing great. I continue daily with MELT, the wakers, and the small hard bumps (foot savers!). All good. I also got Correct Toes and zero-drop shoes. Love love love them. I’m almost to wearing them all day. No pain. Happy!

Thank you for all you’ve done for me and for your sweet and generous spirit!

- Rebecca T, Art Historian

Under Melyssa’s expert teaching and guidance, I’ve been working with the Yamuna system (and MELT) for several months and the results have been pretty remarkable.

It took a while, but my longstanding, painful knee issue has totally resolved and I can go up and down stairs and get up from a chair (or the floor) without pain. My core (torso) has lifted and strengthened noticeably — to the extent that I look taller and the rolls of loose flesh on either side of my back beneath the scapular areas have disappeared. Along with that, my chest area has “opened” significantly, so that at my last pulmonary function test (I have mild asthma), my doctor seemed quite surprised when he told me that my lung function had suddenly improved in the 6 months since my last test to the point where he felt he could reduce my medication. For an 80 year old person (with 4 joint replacements) who has been on an inhaler for 10 years, that was amazing news!

I’m stronger, more flexible, with much better balance.

Melyssa is wonderful to work with, providing generous feedback and review after each session and putting me in touch with additional resources. If you take it seriously and work at it, Yamuna Ball Rolling is a great system, especially with a great teacher. It’s something I plan to continue for life.

And I should mention that Melyssa's Reflexology sessions are out of this world! So glad my physical therapist referred me to her.

- Katharine R, Director (retired) and ceramicist

I have severe rheumatoid arthritis. There is actually very very little that relieves my pain.... Just finished MELTing. It is amazing ... truly. I've been in such major pain. It usually takes me an hour or two for my feet to actually be "walkable" in the morning. They were, for the most part, pain free immediately after I MELTed. (And such a good idea to photograph your materials!) Now, the only thing is to make sure I do it every day. Thank you!

- Jean B,

Actor and Non-Profit Administrator

You immediately increased my foot and body awareness. Excellent organization of sessions and excellent use and demonstration of tools. Articulate and effective without being forceful and you 'check-in' on how I feel. Achievements: more practice, more effective in my strength training, stimulated by better feeling feet. Less toe pain. Less foot pain.

- Regina I,

Financial Planner and Small Business Owner

My feet feel amazing. It’s like I never had pain. I can’t wait to do MELT. Thank you again.

- Heidi P, Occupational Therapist and bunion sufferer

Melyssa's skill and enthusiasm for the practice is inspiring and evident in the personal attention and care she provides. She was helpful in guiding even the smallest movements I made and noticing the stress that went down as far as my baby toes! As a runner, I am now conscious of the difference the practice makes to my form and posture, and am thankful for the newfound body awareness Melyssa has helped me discover.

- Julia S,

Technical Project Manager and Marathon Runner

Foot Fitness™ helped me change the way I walk, taking a lot of the pressure off my knees and lower back when standing, sitting, or walking for long. The process also helped me be mindful of the small details that can make a big difference in performance or in life in general. Pushing off different parts of my foot has helped my martial arts by giving me more options for angles that could otherwise lead to injury while doing it flat footed. Thanks again for the sessions!

- Keenan C,

Personal Trainer and Mixed Martial Artist

My work with Melyssa on easing the possible neuropathy in my feet - the ongoing numbing, tingling and general discomfort - has brought some hope! In general, my feet feel both more stimulated and more relaxed, and the whole body felt the effect. There could be fewer more caring, focused, and enthusiastic for her work as foot practitioner than Melyssa; her experience with her own feet is invaluable. She is indeed a special person to have helping and supporting you.

- Faith Linda W,

Holistic Practitioner, Therapist, and Astrologer